Well- it IS that time of year again!! I am so excited to be on the downhill side of the school year! --- Except that I have the sweetest little 1st graders and will be so sad to see them moving on!!! They are growing up SOOOOO fast!!!
Sr. Portraits need to be scheduled with me as SOON as possible!! You can schedule as far in advance as July at this point! I already have several appointments and committments scheduled-- so PLEASE- if you are intersted in an appointment before this summer- email or call soon. nielsensflash@yahoo.com (there is also a link on here.
I am also taking appointments for children/family portraits and ball games. I will count a ball game for your child as a session if you are interested in me taking pictures for just you at the game. I will give samples of these sessions in the next couple of days.
I am very limited on how many appointments I can take -- especially those with deadlines- like Sr Portraits. I had to turn a few away at Christmas because of lack of time- PLEASE don't let this happen to you!
I am super excited that I have been so busy- and count it a true blessing!! Thank you so much to all of you who have made this possible!
Here are a few things you may need to know:
Session fee: $75 for about an hour and a half- as many changes of clothes as time allows.
Online web viewing for 3 months- this can be set for private
viewing only.
After a photo purchase of $200 a CD of the entire session is available for $100
For photo prices and package offers please go to my gallery site that is linked on the right on this page. Click on a gallery and you will see the many products available and the prices.
*Products range from many sizes and styles (including pro luster and metallic) - trading cards for the sports sessions, calendars, greeting cards, t-shirts, and beautiful canvas prints, the list goes on and on!)
I am available on Mon, Tues and Thurs afternoons- so check your calendars! I charge an extra $25 to a session - making it $100- for weekend sessions.
I know you probably have many more questions than this- please feel free to call or email me about them. The sessions usually result in about 100 printable photos.
We have lots of fun- all done outside at your choice of location!(I LOVE to travel for sessions, but there is a travel fee if over 20 or 30 miles-- we can discuss this later if applicable). So get ready to bring whatever you want to have photographed and have a GREAT time!!!!
Hope to hear from you soon!!