These are some of my latest. I have been a collage making machine!! =) The top of course, is my own family =) I traded with a friend-- the family at the bottom-- the husband is a hobbbyist and loves to mess around with my camera-- so I turned him loose. He did a great job-- Thanks so much Shawn!! I then took the pics and edited them-- you know I can't keep my hands off of them! I am pretty happy with them-- and will be using them for my Christmas cards!!
Theirs is at the bottom- it was pretty wild -- we got dressed in about 15 minutes and only had about an hour and a half shooting time for TWO families!! Not to mention reigning in the kids from playing!! It was lots of fun though!!
I became friends with them through teaching their child, too-- a recurring theme!! =)Now our entire family is pretty close-- the men are big buddies- hunt together-- and usually talk more than the 2 of us!! =)
The middle family is also a good friend through my daughter! They met in Pre-k-- and they should look VERY familiar!! They have been repeat clients SEVERAL times!! I love taking their pictures-- Thay are all just beautiful! We had a great time!!
This was my LAST session before the new year-- woo hoo!! (although I do have lots of work left- editing and blogging!)
Promise of Joy:
Always be happy. Never stop praying. Give thanks whatever happens. That is what God wants for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
This is one of my favorite verses. It gives me comfort. You can't control everything-- but you can have a relationship with the ONE who DOES!! The God of the Universe- AWESOME!!