We have an amazing group of girls that we play ball with!! We have had the BEST time- and they are great little ball players! We have only lost one game- and that was only by one point!! =) I have to say-- they were ok after that ballgame too-- they are great sports and have such great attitudes! I just think the world of their coaches-- we have learned so much- and they are so sweet and patient with these girls!! I love all the challenges and dollar bills they come up with- hahah!!!
I posted a slideshow below to show some of the over 600 action shots I have taken so far- isn't that INSANE??? It is so hard to choose!! And let me tell ya-- the slide show turned out to be a MESS- it didn't upload all the pics-- so these are not all of the ones I had pulled to post-- but with there being so many-- I have NO idea which ones I left out- ugh!! But most of them are here! I will post more-- but I wanted to get a bunch on there since I am so behind! Of course, these will be burned to a CD eventually.
I am posting our group pics. I hope they turned out ok for you- it is hard to get all those little ones looking at me with all the parents around- but I chose the ones that had the most girls looking, anyway- haha!!
I am proud of you, Kim's Grooming- and looking forward to the rest of our season!!
Promise of Joy:
Be strong and do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded!
2 Chronicles 15:7
One thing I have definitely learned is that it takes a lot of work to be successful at anything. Skill is not usually just given to you. Talent to be good at a skill may come naturally, but even talent has to practice and work hard to be the best. I pray that all of these girls work hard in every committment they make. To see it out to the end.