Oh, where do you even begin writing about one of your very favorite families on the planet?
I know I could write a book. And the most wonderful part is... they're OUR family! =)
This is Brandon's Uncle Johnny's precious family. Those who are close to us, know all about Uncle Johnny and "Zannie". They are a huge inspiration to us and some of our strongest supporters!! They were one of MANY of my huge blessings I received when I married that wonderful husband of mine.
I've never met a family as self-less as this one. They have hurdled many obstacles in the years that I have known them... but I have never seen them take their eyes off of Jesus. They have held fast to His promises.
When Jonathan(their son) was born he was premature and was diagnosed with cerebral palsey. This was several years before I came into the picture-- he is 29 now I believe. I have seen them move Heaven and Earth to take care of Jonathan, try expensive medical procedures, hire therepists, but most importantly, teach him how to follow Christ. Jonathan has an older sister, Candace that had to make many sacrifices to help take care of her brother and make sure that he has all that he needs too. I have never, in all of these years heard ONE complaint! I won't go into all of the details... but caring for Jonathan on a daily basis is very strenuous and time consuming. But I have seen first hand that the blessings are continuous and over flowing!!
Jonathan has the innocent heart of a child... but sometimes the understanding of a saint. He hurts for others and has deep compassion for the down-trodden. He has a passion to serve others and witness to everyone about salvation through Jesus Christ.
It is so hard to understand that being in a crippled body is what God has planned for Jonathan's life... but I can NOT imagine the THOUSANDS of lives Jonathan has touched. I am not sure he could have had the same impact in a body like mine! I also don't believe that he will feel like he sacrificed much when he is standing in front of the throne of God and given his new body, and his rewards... for all eternity. He has worked hard in a body that none of us would want- but he has not given up. This life is just a short vapor... but he will have eternity to run, jump, sing, climb- whatever he desires. I truly feel in my heart that when he sees all of the souls he helped get to Heaven, every minute in that body will be worth it to him. And I know that his parents will reap those rewards with him. They are his voice, his hands, his feet.... amazing.
....also shameful when I think of the abilities wasted in my own life. That I have so much more physically, but have done so much less. Everyone needs to spend some time with Jonathan.
This is truly just the START!! I could go on. I love them- and they know it. They love us too, and show us all the time. They are like another set of grandparents to my children... and another set of parents to us. We are blessed.
So I must say, it was an HONOR to capture these memories for them! I tried to capture Jonathans sweet spirit. I believe I did...because each time I look at his pictures, I hear his voice so clearly. It makes my heart smile.
And the beautiful little boys are Candace's. The youngest one looks so much like Jonathan to me. I love that they are all sooo close. Those boys will learn so much in this precious family. And Candace was blessed with a husband that fits in perfectly!!
Thank ya'll so much for an amazing time-- as usual!! We enjoy every minute with you all and can't wait til the next looooong trip out there!!
Much love!!
Promise of Joy:
For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? For you are our glory and joy.
1 Thessalonians 2:19-20
This is often referred to as the "soul winners crown". I can not wait to see Jonathans! =)