Oh. My. Goodness!!!!! I am so in love with these beautiful, precious baby boys!!! They were my first set of twins ever-- and absolutely PERFECT!! These gorgeous guys are identical! They were even born the exact same length and weight-- you don't get more identical than that!! Truly, truly miracle babies and I was soooo honored when asked to be their first photographer!
Their mom and I do go wayyyy back. She was one of my best friends in high school and we were pretty inseparable ourselves. And since then we have not seen each other a whole lot- we have made time for the occasional lunch..but not days together like we used to). But when I sat down and rocked her baby boys and we started talking-- we fell right back into place!! Best friends are like that. It was as if no time had gone by!!
These babies gave their precious parents LOTS of scares for an entire 8 months. Their sweet momma was bed bound for almost the entire pregnancy. She could only get up at assigned times of the day. But she is strong- and wanted these babies more than I have ever seen anyone want anything... and she made it! I am sooo happy for them!! She has been a momma her whole life... now she has her OWN to lavish all that love on.
Mere- I am so happy for you!! You are blessed beyond measure-- and I know you know that!! There were so many prayers going up for you and your gorgeous boys... and I am truly grateful that He answered our prayers in the most amazing way!! Thank you for trusting ME to capture these precious and amazing moments for you. I love you guys and am here if you ever need a thing!!
Promise of Joy:
How we praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every blessing in Heaven because we belong to Christ.
Ephesians 1:3