Can I just tell you that choosing just 5 pictures for this blog wasd almost IMPOSSIBLE!! I have hardly gone through half of them- so I can assure you I will be posting more- plus the black and whites and faded- you know how I love those. This Sr. has personality ++++! I had so much fun just watching her. She loves to laugh and smile, so getting "serious" one from her was not easy. This was the 1st time I had gone to these places, so I am thrilled finding new territory to get the look I like. Of course, you know I like those old walls and rusted tin- I'm just weird like that. I am thrilled that her Mom finally scheduled these with me. I hope you like them as much as I do. And "H" call me anytime, and we can go traipsing through the town again! Best wishes to a VERY bright future ( she dons shades in some I will post later) =) Let me know what you think!!!