Well, these three guys were about the death of me! It made me realize that I need to set a few ground rules I guess for taking 2 or more children unsupervised by their parents- HA! Well, I mentioned before that I was in a huge time crunch. I had set the appointment for 'E', but his Mom called and added 2 more to the same 1 and a half hour block- which was great with me- but it put me in high gear. I drove them downtown to take the brick wall pics. I was off to the side taking pictures of 'N'(sweet 'N') when a piece of a brick fell right in front of me. I felt a bit like Chicken Little, looking up to the sky. =) But when I looked up, I saw 'E' and 'K' on TOP of the 15 FOOT brick wall! It scared me to death! But it did look pretty cool- so after being in a state of panic and fussing at them for a minute- I couldn't resist taking a few pics. (After a silent but sincere prayer). Well, the pics were pretty good- but then it's always easier going up than down. 'k' is a living testimony to that. He didn't climb- but jumped down! A brick followed and smacked him in the back! I was so scared . But, after several "I'm ok's" we went back to the picture business. Now- I have 3 simple rules- no climbing, no climbing, no climbing!! So, 'K'- now you know you aren't really Super Man! ----- I truly had a great time with you guys! Best of luck in your future- may God Bless you in your journey!!
12 years ago
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