Aren't they a gorgeous bunch!!!! The wonderful thing is- no 2 are alike! They are all so different to me. Their personlities, too! These are the children of one of my oldest and dearest friends. They call me aunt and our children really think they are cousins! When we went to eat the oldest girl- 'K' told my son 'M' that green eyes must run in the family- since they both had them! That was so sweet.
My boy and the oldest girl are only 6 months apart. My girl and the 2nd girl 'A' are only 6 weeks apart- (their due dates were actually 6 DAYS apart- go figure that one out!!) And then with the other 2- I thought I'd just let her win!! =)
They are precious and so very sweet. We had the BEST day with them. Thank you for spending the day with us and being so specail to me!!!!
I will talk more about them and their sweet personlities as I blog more of their greaet pictures- I just wanted to give a sneak peek- I still have a looong way to go on these.