Well, I don't usually brag on my children like I have tonight- so forgive me if I have bored you to death-- you can always look at the pictures and make up your own stories about them and ignore mine- HA!!
These are some of the latest of 'M'. He is looking so "grownie" to me- as our dear friend Mrs. Pat Geis says all the time! =)
The gifted teacher came to my door the other day to talk to me about 'M'. She started by showing me the gifted test he had just had to take. He was being screened that AM. I looked carefully at the problems- and WHOA!!!--- I honestly did not know past the 1st 7 or 8! It is a test that gets progressively more difficult all the way up to I think, 39. It looked literally Greek to me. It's some kind of IQ pre-cursor that tests all sorts of problem -solving skills. She said she wanted to show me the test 1st. I assumed it was because he did not pass the screening- which I would have been ok with- really, ... I would. =) So I said "yea, those are really hard" she agreed, but then said "but not for 'M'"! He had a 99 on the test! He had missed just ONE- and it was the last one! WOW!!! I knew my children would be smarter than me- but I was hoping they would be a little older first! =)
She said I should be VERY proud (which I am). And said that it is very possible that he may get accepted into the program on IQ alone and not have to finish the gifted screening! Isn't that awesome! Isn't IQ genetic? Shouldn't I theoretically have SOME of that in me too?? HA!!
So, we are still waiting to see what happens next- but I guess all those times when I wanted to throw out the computer because he came close to crashing it, or got to places I couldn't get to if I tried- by the time he was 4-- finally paid off! I am very proud of him!
He catches some flack from a certain uncle for not being too athletic, that's ok-- one day he will own a very lucrative business- and then MAYBE he will hire you- but you must get that college degree!! =)
Well, My Mom will be proud of tonights blogs- although they are "wordy" as she calls them. She likes to see my work- but she sure likes seeing her grandbabies a lot more! So, tonights blogs are just for you!!! So, get on that email and send them out! HA HA! Love you!!!