I am so sorry it has SEEMED that I have not been blogging!! But I have tried and tried and the site kept giving me an error. I have pulled my hair out trying to find the "glitch". It kept telling me the address was wrong- but I think I figured out that my files were way to big to be uploaded at one time. I have never had this happen!! So- please forgive me for not posting- I promise I have not been "slacking"!!-- This post may be a little crazy-- Oh well- I am moving on!! I have a great session that I know people are waiting on. =)
Thank you to all of you who have asked me about my newest pictures! Your faithfulness in keeping up is what keeps me blogging!! You are the BEST!
Promise of Joy:
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:17-18
I just loved this scripture for the New Year! We lose sight sometimes of what is important!!This is a scripture I Pray I can live by more 2009.
God has truly blessed my family this year- and for all of the years before that! I am so thankful for His mercy and His saving grace! He has been so gracious to my family. We are healthy and together and close by our loved ones. God has truly done a work in my life in the past year. I feel I have grown more spiritually this year than I have in a very long time. God has been so real to me and has made His presence known to me in so many situations.
Thank you to all of my friends who have been such a blessing to me. I pray that you all have a year of peace and happiness. I also pray that you will grow closer in your walk with God. That you will feel the fullness of His Joy!
Happy New Year!!
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