You are going to have to forgive the quality of most of these pictures. I did not want to distract them with my flash- so I took them all without a flash, and VERY low lighting. I just wanted to give you the idea! =)
Our little man just got his first "color belt" in karate! We are so proud of him! He really has not been taking very long, but because of his hard work, he got extra stripes along the way. He has taken to this like a fish to water. He took gymnastics a while back and made the competition team- but because they did not have a boys competition coach, they could not let him compete. Well, he didn't see the point in that. So, when a friend of ours told us about this karate class, we went that very night. We have really enjoyed it! We see his gymnastics skills come in handy, too! He can do the splits and kick really high. He is one fast little guy!
He has great instructors. One of his teachers was getting black belt today- the one at the bottom with him. Man- it is really involved and intense. I learned a lot today! They have an excellent spirit of honor and comeraderie. I am proud to be a part of this program.
For my verse today, I am using the motto from this karate school:
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Phillipians 4:13
Thank God for men who will step up to be leaders and show our children the real way to become men!
His head instructor and the owner is in the top picture with him, tying on his new belt. He is a Godly man, and wonderful leader. He has been a great example and so caring. He always prays before we leave the class and prays that these guys will have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. I love that these large, tough men, humble themselves to be involved in the lives of these children. There were several other black belts there that I was equally impressed with.
If you are local and want to learn more about this program, just email me and I will give you more information. =)
1 comment:
congratulations M! i am so happy for you and so proud of you!!! you are such an amazing little guy and i know that you will grow up to be a wonderful man one day!!!you are so lucky to have such wonderful parents and other examples in your life!!!
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