This little beauty has been captured by yours truly on several other occassions. She is such an absolute DOLL!! I always get so many compliments from her session! It is easy to get great pics when your subject is MC. The funny thing is - when I did the post of the little one with the umbrella a few days ago, everyone asked me if it was MC. And the whole time I photographed that little girl I thought of her. They are both so smart and easy to work with. And they both have those gorgeous curls and dark brown eyes! How lucky am I to get to have 2 of these little sweeties to capture!!
Bayou pics are irresistable. I love the way her little "Fu-FU" dress contrasted perfectly with the dark colors of the bayou. She just looks angelic. I work with this little ones Mom, and truly enjoy these sessions with them. Her Mom is a talented photographer herself, so I hope she is pleased =)
Thanks for a wonderful time (again)!! Look me up in the fall!! =)
Promise of Joy:
Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give His life a ransom for many.
Matthew 20:28
What an awesome God! He could have come as King of the World- yet he came as a lowly carpenter and took on the sins of the world -- for me! I could never question his love for me or deny Him Lord of my life. I give Him the Glory for all things!
LOVE these pictures. She just gets more beautiful as she gets older, and I do mean beautiful. You did a great job, gorgeous. Ask her mom if I can adopt her???
Love, your sis, Tammy
OMG she is just beautiful!!! I can not believe how she has grown. Her mom use to also work with me. I miss her soooo much. She is the greatest!!!
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