I just couldn't resist putting "Big L" for this post. I taught the big sister and one day someone was asking her about her new baby brother (who was on the way- not born yet) and they asked "what are you going to call him?"-- meaning his NAME-- well, without missing a beat she replied "Big L"! I thought that was hilarious!!!
I don't even know where to begin describing this special family. You have seen this sweet baby before- his newborn pics were posted back in February. He has always been a beautiful baby!
I really think it was just a "God- thing" that we wound up together. There is a loong story behind that- but 'L' ended up in my roon on "accident" I'll say. =) But we instantly bonded- and now it is like I have known her her entire life! Her Mom and I became fast friends -- which I know- many think of us as "just the teacher"- but somehow we "clicked". She is now a very close friend and confidante that I can't imagine not having.
The very year that I got L in my class, her Grandparents started attending our church! We became close to them too- and they are a special part of our church family- and her grandpa is now my son's Sunday School teacher. See what I mean about the "God thing"?
It was hilarious when I did teach L- I was the only one that could pull her teeth-- I think I pulled about 6 of those things! She also thought I knew EVERYTHING! She constantly told her Mom to ask ME if there was anything she didn't know-- even if it wasn't school related! I had the best voice in the world-- I was just awesome that year! HAHA!!! I just loved that precious girl!!! I told her Mom that she needed more so I could teach them too-- who knew she'd take me so seriously? HA!! =)
So, if you haven't figured it out- I just adore them. And yes-- there is a great Dad in there too!!! We had a MONSOON come in on us DURING the session-- which was right about the time he pulled up-- so I didn't get a photo of him THIS time- or one of L by heself. We will make it up to them soon. =)
Please leave a comment about the pics-- just click on anonymous- you don't have to have an account.
** I have 2 May appointments left if anyone is interested-- email me =) (Those are my closest available dates) I have a waiting list if you want to be placed on that. I can also book for up to a year in advance =)
Promise of Joy:
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods, His love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of lords, His love endures forever. To Him who alone does great wonders, His love endures forever.
Psalm 136:1-4
I am so thankful to worhip the one true living God- and that He knows me by name and will not forsake me. I pray that we should all know Him personally and worship Him only. I thank God for all of His blessings- mostly for His salvation.
wahooo! a new post! and what a grreat one! i can't believe how "big" he is now! great pics once again ,marge!
great pics, love them. Waited a LONG time for new pics. Sorry it was while my moomoo was sick. I will call you later. Love, ya-Tam
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