This is my little girl all dolled up in her cheer uniform. She absolutely loves it!
She has progressed so much in her tumbling since she started this class it has amazed me.
She can now do her back walk over, front handsprings, handstands, can bend like a pretzel, and do the splits all 3 ways. She is VERY close to a back handspring-- but I learned the HARD way (she learned it actually) that I am not a very good "spotter"! =) I think she'll have it in the next month or so (wihtout any help from me)
Many of her little friends are on the squad and she is having a blast. It is so ironic because for years (since she was 2) she told me in her sweet little voice, "I not want to be a CHEE leader." HA! She does NOT like people looking at her. But when she is with the whole squad I tell her the only one looking at her is me- everyone else is looking at their own little girl! She is too funny! She loves being on a team-- and does NOT crave the center of attention. I think that is a good combination.
We took a few minutes after school to take a few shots while it was not raining! It has rained sooo much!!
Promise of Joy:
God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7
This is a wonderful scripture for my little HB! I am so proud of her -- she has really faced her fears and has come out of her shell some. I praise God for making her so wonderfully talented and perfectly sweet.
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