Whew, this session was hard to come by!! But I am so glad I was able to do it! This is the sweet new grandbaby of my pastor. Isn't he a doll? The Mom and Dad are precious and know how blessed they!
The weather has been sooo cold- and even rainy-- and anyone that follows my work at all KNOWS I am no in-door photographer. I just can not think in-doors!! May be if I was in an actual studio it would be different- but I have to think way outside the box to be in a box! haha!! So that was a pretty big challenge for me! plus I went to their house which was not real familiar, so I was going from scratch.
Also- this little dude was not a sleeper. So trying to get a 2 month old baby comfortable and happy was a big undertaking for me. I have not photographed many babies- so it was all pretty challenging for me.
On top of that I had only slept about 2 hours the night before and my brain was asleep on me! My son had a violent virus (which also made me terrified to be around the baby or touch the baby--but they were well informed- and were blessed that no one got sick!)
This week as I was to be editing and posting, I got sick!! Not with the virus- but still sick! So... despite all of the challenges, I think I got some pretty good shots.
Thankfully he is absolutely beautiful and a very good baby- so he was no challenge! I am glad to finally get these posted. I also would like for you to remember them in your prayers, this young Dad will be leaving for his second tour to Afghanistan around March! Pray for his safety and for the family to have peace while he is gone. No doubt he is a strong man of God.
Promise of Joy:
Children are a gift from God; they are His reward.
Psalm 127:3
This is so true. It is amazing that He puts such fragile, blank slates into our hands to teach and guide. It is our responsibility to raise our children to love and serve the One true God. That is an awesome undertaking in today's world. It is so much easier with loving, supportive family that believes in God's Word-- how blessed you are!!
Love them all! You did a great job!
Margie - they are beautiful if I do say so myself. Thank you so much for all the hard work. We truely enjoyed the day and I can't wait to see some of these hanging on my "red wall".
beautiful baby and beautiful pictures! good job again marge!
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