Can you say Brrrrrrrrrrr????? This has been one COLD Louisiana winter!!! This sweet baby was awesome, though!! He never complained --- all the whining was from me, I am afraid! =) I do NOT do well in the cold! Now that the snow is gone I say forget winter- bring on the flip flop seasons!!
This is cutie pie Kason again! He is now ONE! Wow!! This year flew by for me! I have been blessed to have had the opportunity to photograph all of his milestones this year! It has been sooo much fun!! I have really enjoyed watching him grow.
Of course I had to snap some of his beautiful big sis, too. She likes the camera-- and it likes her too =)
Thanks again, for allowing me to be a part of these special times. I think this one is close in the running of my coldest session EVER-- but ya'll were great!!
I hope you love them!!
Promise of Joy:
The Lord will redeem those who serve Him. No one who takes refuge in Him will be condemned.
Psalm 34:22
This scripture truly comforts me. I have been so amazed lately at God's awesomeness. Not that He hasn't always been- but lately He has really revealed Himself to me as the One True Living God that created absolutely everything-- but still cares about me and listens to MY prayers! Wow! I am humbled! I truly pray that all who read this blog has or will have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Have a wonderful week!!
1 comment:
omg! these are perfest -- esp the one where he is bent over like he is baout to hike the ball---- what a precious mini kam he is! you have done sucha wonderful job capturing his milestones!!
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