These are the cutest kids!! It was scorching- melt the make-up right off your face- Mississippi sweathouse HOT! They hung it there with me-- I was the one whining!!
The 2 smallest ones are Brandon's cousins. The 2 older are their cousins =) Did you follow that? haha! They traved all the way from Snyder Texas- West Texas JUST to be photographed by yours truly... well, and to see there aunts, uncles and grandparents- haha!! I adore this family! They are as much mine as any family I've got. When Brandon married me they truly got a new niece/cousin! =) I just stay so mad at them for not living closer!!
I really wish I could have spent more time with them all-- taking pictures and visiting! But- my little guy was at camp- and I was spending the week close by! I'm such a wimp like that!
I hope you love them! You're children are gorgeous-- I am so glad I finally got to meet little David. He has amazing eyes and the happiest disposition. And Man, Jace has grown into a boy- no more baby! He is a great kid- and just adorable. The cousins were precious-- I could not have asked for better subjects!! (there are many more... )
Love you all!!
Promise of Joy:
Correct your son, and he will give you rest; Yes, he will give delight to your soul.
Proverbs 29:17
You have this one wrapped up, guys!! you have great kids-- and I can tell it is from great parenting!! I know it gets tough at times-- but you are doing a great job! Wish I could enjoy those guys more often!!