These are the cutest kids!! It was scorching- melt the make-up right off your face- Mississippi sweathouse HOT! They hung it there with me-- I was the one whining!!
The 2 smallest ones are Brandon's cousins. The 2 older are their cousins =) Did you follow that? haha! They traved all the way from Snyder Texas- West Texas JUST to be photographed by yours truly... well, and to see there aunts, uncles and grandparents- haha!! I adore this family! They are as much mine as any family I've got. When Brandon married me they truly got a new niece/cousin! =) I just stay so mad at them for not living closer!!
I really wish I could have spent more time with them all-- taking pictures and visiting! But- my little guy was at camp- and I was spending the week close by! I'm such a wimp like that!
I hope you love them! You're children are gorgeous-- I am so glad I finally got to meet little David. He has amazing eyes and the happiest disposition. And Man, Jace has grown into a boy- no more baby! He is a great kid- and just adorable. The cousins were precious-- I could not have asked for better subjects!! (there are many more... )
Love you all!!
Promise of Joy:
Correct your son, and he will give you rest; Yes, he will give delight to your soul.
Proverbs 29:17
You have this one wrapped up, guys!! you have great kids-- and I can tell it is from great parenting!! I know it gets tough at times-- but you are doing a great job! Wish I could enjoy those guys more often!!
Thank you so much for spending your time taking such amazing pictures of our kids. You are so talented. Yes, it was super hot that day but worth it.
Jayme Olsen
I love each picture!!!! Wish I could have been there!! Margie, these pictures look outstanding!
Tricia Gregory
Margie, the pictures are beautiful. Thank you so much for taking them and sharing. Wish I could have been there that day but needed to stay with Jonathan where it was cool. We love you and your family so much. Your children are like grandchildren to us. Thanks again for using your talent on our grandchildren.
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