UGH! I spelled her precious name WRONG!! Sorry!! It can be changed in the photo too- it will only take a minute!! =)
These pictures have been a Looong time coming! =) I am so glad we were finally able to get them-- I had a GREAT time- she is such a beauty!!
It was tough trying to choose just a few to show! I could have taken pictures of her all night-- But she wore out long before I did.
This precious girl belongs to a co-worker and friend. When she was a baby- she had a head full of hair-- but it all stood STRAIGHT up! It was so cute-- and was exactly the way my little girls hair was at that age. I kept tellin her Mom it would be thick and beautiful-- and look at it now! It is just gorgeous!
Thanks, K- for asking me to capture these memories for you! Can't wait to get the whole family next time!! =)
Promise of Joy:
But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for He has been good to me.
Psalm 13:5-6
What a verse of praise! I have so much to be thankful for - and it is great when I find a verse that explains exactly how I am feeling! There are so many things we don't understand- and so many things we take for granted-- Praise Him-- even in the storms. =)
These are just beautiful! She looks like a grown up and not a little girl! Wow, beautiful little girl and awesome photography!!
My heart was racing the first time I saw all the beautiful poses of our precious Reece. The photography is awesome and so is little Reece! I want all the pictures! Nana
Oh my gosh, she is too cute!!! Great pics Margie... As usual!!! She doesn't even look like the little girl I used to keep.
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