As with most families-- this family hasn't had a true family portrait in a while. I was so excited and honored that she wanted me to take them!! So we started in their own beautiful front yard- then moved up the road close to my house. This old field is just gorgeous to me-- and it won't be the last time you see it on this blog! haha!! I plan to bring my own kids here-- I just loved it!
We had such a good time and could have just taken pictures all day! They are all so photogenic! Their eyes are just gorgeous! So this is definitely a sneak peek-- there are lots more to put on the gallery later! =)
This sweet family happens to be very good friends of ours. The little girl is one of my little girls very best friends! They have been pretty tight since kindergarten. We love them and had a great time helping them make memories!!
Promise of Joy:
Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.
Galations 6:2
What are friends for?? Especially Christian friends that you can trust with your heart. =)
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