It has been wonderful watching this adorable family grow up!! I can not believe how much they have grown! They are sooo energetic and fun to be around!! I could just sit back and watch them!! Bless their Mom and Dad-- having 2 around here is a rat race-- just one more would send me over the edge! =)
But they all get along so well, and the Mom has such patience! I just adore them! This time was pretty challenging to get the little one in the same place as the 2 older ones. We chased and called and tricked all we could! It was quite a workout-- but I think it paid off!
I truly love the one where the little one looks absolutely BORED!! She is a MESS!! I just cracked up when I saw that!! I would have that one big on my wall if I had a studio!! It really shows her personality!
The Christmas RUSH has hit fast and furious!! The Christmas card orders have been awesome and sooo much fun to work and order. I am so excited that God really opened new doors to me this year to be much better at that!! Every year it gets better- and I know it is only because of His grace!!
Promise of Joy:
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14
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