One of my favorite families again! =)
These 3 have their own little look and definitely different personalities-- but they are all beautiful!! I always enjoy being with them and just following them while they play. The little princess is at that age where she does not want to sit still for a picture- and she does not want her bubba to hold on to her-- so I didn't do too well on the togetherness shots-- but I really loved these individual ones!
It's kind of funny-- people mention to me all the time that they hear my husband helps me a lot-- well--- he rescued me again!
I thought I had the perfect place in mind. But when we got there the sun was all wrong and there were briars-- it just wasn't working. The little one had to go the bathroom- so we headed back to my house. While we were there I told my husband that I was struggling because the location was horrid. He asked me if I had noticed this field not even a mile up the road. Those of you that know me, KNOW I said NOOO. I am the most unobservant person ever- and never see anything but the road in front of me while my mind is a million miles away!! But he NAILED it-- AGAIN! It just may be another of my favorites!!! =)
So thanks again, Melissa for trusting me with your precious memories! I have loved watching them grow and change!!
Promise of Joy:
So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34
I would think that everyone struggles with this from time to time. I would also think that the world needs to hear these encouraging words right now. With our economy and the world violence and unrest, it can be troubling. But I try to stay focused on what we are here for- and that HE will provide for us and be there for us. I am so thankful to be a child of the ONE true LIVING God!
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