This beautiful brother/sister duo came to see me from Mississippi. I was so excited to have them come back for more-- and to see them again!! They are truly one sweet, sweet family and I always enjoy every minute!!
We went to my friends house again-- a treasure trove of photo spots!! and a wonderful air conditioned out door kitchen to change clothes and take a break fromthe sweltering HEAT!
These teens were so cooperative and just made my job so much fun and easy! I could have kept going all day---- BUT--- my Canon 5D MarkII QUIT!!!! Yep--- QUIT!!! It got knocked on the cement stairs goig to the bayou- which I didn't think much of at the time-- but then it would not work!! But thankfully-- all of these pictures were still on the card when I got home!! So this was my last session with that beloved camera. I am getting a new one (waiting on insurance) and in the meantime made a trip to Jackson- Deville camera and bought a wonderful Canon 7D as a back up!! I looooove it- and for almost half the price-- it is a WINNER!! and it takes great sports pics! But what a crazy time!!! I told the Mom they can officially say they have broken the camera! hahah!!! I am just so thankful that I was able to complete their session!! God is so good!! =)
Thank you, Belinda for trusting me once again with your sweet memories!! Your children are growing up so fast-- and are just precious!! I love every minute with you guys and hope you're as pleased this time as last =) Thanks so much!!
Promise of Joy:
Let your gentleness be known to all, the Lord is at hand.
Philippians 4:5
This scripture speaks to me on several different levels. We can show God's love, not just to the unsaved we are trying to reach, but also to the Christians right in our own churches. It is so sad that sometimes the place we should all find comfort, is the place we sometimes get torn down. Compassion and understanding should prevail in God's house, yet sometimes we listen to our sisters and brothers with a judging spirit and react in that way, instead of taking things in and responding in a way that can get results. It's not that we can't teach and correct one another-- but the spirit in which we speak and beahave can run people off instead of drawing them closer to HIM- which is our goal-- not punishment. I feel very strongly that today's churches really struggle with this and pray that God will use me to love people the way He loves me! I amso thankful for his mercy and gentleness and would not risk losing that by my behavior toward others.
1 comment:
cute cute--- love the last one!
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