This was 2 sessions in one! I was thrilled to take My friend's family portraits that we have had scheduled for a YEAR!! But then to find out that her aunt and uncle would be in town visiting her Dad-- it was just too sweet to pass up!! So she invited them all-- and we got to shooting! It was a hoot!! There is nothing like honesty of elder people to one another.....until you are around elder SIBLINGS!! It was great! =) I love how comfortalbe they are with one another and that they love each other. It is a great thing that they make sure they see each other once a year. Every family should do that. I loved it. They are very blessed to have that kind of support in their family.
Then we did D's family. They are simply beautiful!! I have had the privilege of photographing them before... but the weather was much more cooperative this time!
We go way back as friends- and I have to say, D is my calm in the storm sometimes. She is so laid back and one of the best listeners I believe EVER!! That after just talking to her I feel better!! But she always has good insight and advice too--- hard to beat a friend like that!! =)
Thank you again for honoring me with your requests!! I always enjoy every minute!!
Promise of Joy:
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, Who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2
If we truly set our eyes on Jesus- there is NO way ANY of us would live as we do now. If we realized for a moment what all has transpired before us-- and even presently in the spiritual realm, we would drastically change our daily lives. We count our worldy successes when looking back on our lives. Yet, it's our SPIRITUAL successes that we will be judged by!! We need to work on setting spiriual goals-- not just financial and material. *Read or Bibles, attend Bible classes/church, witness to our lost family and friends, help the needy, pray for others... the list goes on and on. He DIED for us... we are to LIVE for HIM.