Gorgeous, Gorgeous, Gorgeous!! Everything about this little beauty is PERFECT!! Her little solemn personality and plump little rolls were sooo reminiscent of my Hannah Beth, I just wanted to take her HOME!! =)
So choosing my favorites out of a WEALTH of possibilities was quite a challenge. But this is a start. She is a little star and took to the camera like a pro. Her sweet Momma came prepared with LOTS of princess stuff-- so we had a wonderful time!
This little angel definitely completes her sweet family and totally fills her parents adoring hearts! She has been prayed for for many, many years before she ever came into this world. She is probably prayed up for the rest of her life, and then some-- because I know she is still prayed for every single day. It is amazing to watch God answer prayer in such a complete and miraculous way.
I am honored to take Lauren Grace's first pictures, and can not wait to see how God molds her into the young lady she is destined to become!
Promise of Joy:
For this child we have prayed, and the Lord has richly blessed us.
1 Samuel 1:27
The perfect verse for a new baby. It would be wonderful if every baby was so loved that he or she was prayed for daily-- even before they were born. The world would be a different place.
Oh my goodness....I am blown away! You did a wonderful job & I am truly grateful for you caputuring our lil angel in these pics. You have an amazing God given talent & I pray that He continues to bless you & yours!
Much Love & Thanks!
Lauren Grace & her MOM :)
All of our granchildren are much loved and are truly a blessing from God. Lauren Grace... how precious, how special, how just right for our arms and our hearts!
God has richly bless us with this little love.We love the pictures and I think mamaw & papaw need one of each! :)Thank you Margie for using your talent but I especially thank you for your spiritual insight in saying all the "just right words".
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