Friday, December 2, 2011

The Armstrong's

This beautiful family belongs to our very best friends. The Lord answered several different prayers all at one time when He allowed our paths to cross theirs.
I am so thankful for them and all that they mean to us!! They have truly been our family - there for us no matter what! I always have peace of mind knowing that no matter what, I always have people to depend on. They have kept our children (Way too many to times to count-- even given up there bed! -- haha--Mark's a sucker for the princess), gone on vacations, attended births, baptisms, hospital stays, most sporting events- even out of state; laughed with us- at us too, cried with -- and for us, and prayed for us. I would have never even thought to ask God for all of these attributes in our friends... but am so thankful He knows who we NEED. =)

The little guys (or younger I should say- that oldest one is turning into a giant before our eyes) are honestly like my own children. I have taught them in about every capacity and am so stinkin proud of them and enjoy them every time I am with them.

The other wonderful part is- they feel the same about our children. That is a true friend too. You can't really love someone unless they love your children. My mom taught me that =)

So-- enough of the gush-- on to the pics! Of course, if the Armstrong's schedule its going to be as cold as Siberia!! We shivered and shook through the whole darned thing! But I looove the results! They are all so photogenic!!
The top 2 cards are the front and back of their Christmas cards. The rest are just my favorites. It's easy to take pics of such great looking guys!!

Thanks, J- for everything! We always have fun =)

Promise of Joy:
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:15

Don't need to add a thing to that! =)

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