My handsome nephew!! (Lisa's only son) I can NOT believe he is graduating from high school!!! It literally feels like he should still be riding his tractor in the back yard, climbing trees and wearing boots 3 times too big!!
He was an adorable blonde haired, blue eyed baby (Yes, I know he is green eyed now...but he had big blues for a long time!) When I think of Cameron I usually see a his sweet, squint-eyed, laughing face! It makes me smile! (The reason the next to the last picture here is my favorite!) He has always been an easy-going, sweet natured guy...and I am so proud of the man he has tuned into.
I pray for only the best for you, Cameron. You have everything you need to make anything out of your life you desire. This time will have an impact on everything else you do... so pull up your boot straps, get your head down...and take charge. I completely believe in you. Love you very much!!
I love that I was able to do their senior portraits...I'll always remember these sessions as a special time with them. I can not even describe how I feel about them all. It's just like my OWN...but without the control! haha!! But I do love them and always look forward to seeing them- and just being around them. I am blessed with a large, very close family!! I thank God for them!!
Promise of Joy:
A wise son brings joy.
Proverbs 15:20
The wonderful thing about this verse... the Bible also says that if you are lacking wisdom, then pray for it! This is something we COULD have control over. So when you are praying-- pray for wisdom. =)
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