Ok all you "junkies" out there hounding me about more pics-- here is a TINY sneak peek. =) I really would have done more- but with this new camera, the files are gigantic and has really s-l-o-w-e-d me down!! It has been frustrating- when you have a beautiful little model- I just can't wait to see them all myself!!
My new camera finally came in. I got the Canon 5D Mark II-- Wow!! It is pretty fantabulous! It even video records!! It is 21.1(can you believe??) megapixels and has an ISO of a monstrous 6400!!! Full HD! It is amazing!! I just have a lot of learning to do- AGAIN!!! But it is so much fun to see the great quality. With my 2.8L series lens- it is untouchable!
I want to give God the Glory for his wonderful work! I really question myself all the time about my direction in life. I want to stay in His will- and just keep moving forward- but I get that self-doubt that makes me second guess Him AND me. Well-- I had been really talking to Him seriously about whether He really wanted me in photography. I looove it, but I wanted to make sure. So I talked to Him and told him that I just can't afford all the stuff I know I am ready to upgrade t0 (that new camera, an external flash, the list goes on and on... Well-- He really poured his blessings on us and left me no doubt that I am doing what He wants me to do. So- He bought this camera for me --- we even literally got a big check from our insurance compnay that we have NEVER gotten before- it was just all strange-- more than this- but you get the picture~
He is such a REAL and awesome God- I really feel like we had a one on one conversation. He validates me and gives me Purpose. I give Him ALL the Glory- and am very thankful that He speaks to me.
So, I am up at midnight- AGAIN- bleary eyed- posting my one little picture-- to try to give Him my best-- you just get to benefit from it too!! HA! =)
That is just a tiny piece of my heart. I will tell you all about this little beauty when I get more of her pics ready!! I just love her!!
More to come...