M's birthday party was a huge Nerf war in the freezing weather!!Lots of boys and girls came out to shoot each other up! They had a great time! I am surprised they weren't all sick after this- it was so, so, soooooo cold!!
Then they all went to our house afterward for pizza and to spend the night! Yes, I said all and spend the night!! It was wild- and yes I am crazy!
Actually, they were all very, very good and it was a lot of fun! I think we wore them out at the park, because at 10:00 they were more than willing to lay down and watch a movie!
I am still in shock that he is 9!! But we had fun- we must do this again sometime- I may need to get my OWN gun!!! =)
Oh-- and if you are wondering about the AC/DC music: it was his choice for his blog- thanks to guitar hero!!
Promise of Joy:
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.
Proverbs 17:17
I am so thankful that HB has a big brother like M. They have their moments, but for the most part they play so well together, and giggle until their sides hurt! They always make me smile!! =)
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