They say time flies when you're having fun! Well, we are, and it does!!! =)
I really can not believe that we have been married 15 years!! That means, counting our dating years, we have been together for 21 years!! (I was only 5 when we started dating-- ha ha!!) Actually, I was 14! We were WAY back high school sweethearts!! It was sort of off and on in the beginning- being that I wasn't really allowed to talk to boys on the phone and most were deathly afraid to come to my house (thanks, Dad!)- and going out was out of the question- I use the term "dating" VERY loosely!! =)
Recently B was asked to speak on a Sunday at church (those of you that know him KNOW how difficult that is for him). Anyway, somewhere in there he so sweetly said that I am his "backbone". (Yes, I was wiping my eyes)-- but I want to tell you that he is my right arm-- and ladies, you know that to a woman, that is an even more important body part!! HA! =) His help is invaluable to me. He is the absolute best father that I have ever even heard of- hands down. If I had to go away for a month- he could so easily step in and take care of them and they really wouldn't miss a beat (as long as they didn't have dr appointments or birthday parties!!- that is a running joke around here =)
I won't go on and on... although I could. I will suffice it to say that God created him as a perfect match for me. I still know that he is the kindest, most generous and helpful man I know-- and MANY could give witness to this-- he REALLY has spent an extra 30 minutes in the mall parking lot (Belk to be precise) just so he could walk elderly women to their cars under his umbrella when it began to rain unexpectedly!! I sat and sat in the car and just admired his warm spirit-- and cried a little then too. We have been together that long, and I honestly have not seen a negative side to him! I thank God for the heart that He created in him and the spirit only He can give.
** By the way--- the song playing now is fom our wedding!! Awww! =)
So- Happy anniversary (on the 5th) and Happy Birthday (on the 8th) to Gods most precious gift to me and our children. We love you "more than the stars!!"
** If you see him, be sure to ask him if he's looked at my blog- I am not telling him it's on here! =)
Promise of Joy:
Let marriage be held in honor (esteemed worthy, precious, of great price and especially dear) in all things.
Hebrews 13:4
it's hard to type through these tears---- i can only hope that god has someone planned for me that is half the husband and father as B... but it can't go without saying that you were created especailly for him too! you 2 are definitly a great example of what a marriage and family should be! i am so lucky to know ALL of you!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
Oh my...thanks for making the emotions flow here too : ). I love you both dearly and I am so glad Brandon found his perfect match. You two are the best cousins anyone could ever have. Have a great week! Love you!!! "C"
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