Friday, April 24, 2009

Gorgeous Family

** Double click on the portraits to see them in their true clarity.

This family is beautiful- from the parents all the way down to the dog!! I had the best time with them!! I drove out to the grandparents place -- what a beautiful home and yard! The kids were relaxed because it is where they are familiar and comfortable. So they just played and behaved like themselves and I just snapped away! I could have gone on all day!

I worked with the Mom's Mom for several years and I just dearly love her and because of that I easily became friends with her wonderful daughters (one happens to be my neighbor now). The apple doesn't fall far from the tree-- which is a great thing in this case!!

I am so honored to have been asked to capture these memories! You really made my job easy and so much fun! It was great seeing your part of the country side a while and meet your sweet family. You'd think it would be challenging to get these 2 little guys (3 and 1, I think) - but they were great- and so well behaved!!

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do! I can not wait to see these in print! =)

Promise of Joy:
Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord.
Psalm 128:4


Anonymous said...

they are beautiful! Pictures are beautiful, GREAT job!!!! Love the new camera!
Love sis, Tammy

mandi said...

one word---wow! ypu did sucha great job!!!! guess which one is my fav?

mandi said...

wait---- i meant guess whick 2 are my favorites?

Katie M said...

Oh wow Margie, I love these. Definately ordering a few of these for my house too. I just thought my nephews were the cutest in the world. Your pictures made them look even more stunning, which I didn't think was possible. Awesome Job!

Jenifer said...

I am finding a wildlife phot contest to enter the dog picture in for you. Love all of them, but that one looks like a Ducks Unlimited print!!