This session was every bit as much fun as I thought it would be!!! I had a great time traipsing from one end of town to the other capturing these sweet moments for these two!! They were up to anything and everything I asked them to do!! They -- especially HIM-- were troopers!!
We really had nothing planned. We just came across this old barn while looking for some tracks that didn't have a train sitting on it! I love this barn-- but we could not have done a thing here if it was not for the wonderful Mom that came along with us!! Bless her heart, she literally stood there holding up an 8 ft piece of tin to shade the couple so we could get a decent photo with no squinting! She was wonderfully accommodating! I took a picture of it for HER -- but I will be gracious and not show that one here =) Thank you so much for all of your help!!! I hope it was worth it to you when you look at these portraits!
I want to give a huge shout-out to the future groom!! WOW! He was so sweet about every crazy thing. He just looked at me when I asked him to stand in the middle of the road!! But he did-- and never once lost his humor! He will be an awesome husband!!
They are truly a beautiful couple!! I am so excited about doing the bridals in June- she will be a stunning bride-- and we have the same funky taste in portraits-- so it will be soo much fun!! But you'll have to wait until after the October wedding to see those! We don't want to show off that gorgeous gown quite yet!! I have the honor of shooting her wedding too. I am really looking forward to it!!
I met the bride in my classroom this year! I was her classroom supervisor for her reading block class at the University. We just sort of "clicked"- and here we are!
I have had a great time getting to know "K" and look forward to all of the big moments ahead! I am so honored to be a part of it all! Thank you so much!
Let me know what you think!!
Promise of Joy:
For this cause a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.
Genesis 2:24
I pray that you will have a wonderful marriage, filled with rich blessings and wonderful memories! God Bless your new life together!!
woot woot-- more pics! yay! i loved all of them... i really loved how her yellow shoes matched the lines on the road!!!!! you have sucha gift! whata lucky girl she is to have you as her photographer!
I am the bride's friend and the pics are fabulous!! They brought tears to my eyes!! I will be there when she takes her bridal portraits...Can't wait!!
love everyone of them! fabulous!
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