I had to make a special post to my childrens' teacher, 1st grade comrad, fellow chocolate lover, blog "stalker", sometime twin (although we haven't figured that one out yet), cajun talkin', family lovin', baby kissin', poster makin', salad eating, shoe buyin', big smilin', straight talkin', advice givin', photo takin', encouraging,great listenin', wishin' she could shave her head- FRIEND!!!
Since you look on here more often than my own mother-- I just wanted to surprise you with a heartfelt THANKS!!! You KNOW how much I love you, depend on you and appreciate you!
You are TRULY one of the kindest, most loving people I know! You have been an excellent teacher to my children and you have loved them almost like I do myself! I love all of your wonderful ideas-- and that you let me copy them! I love how you have inspired them and taught them such independence!I love my end of the year CD with literally HUNDREDS of photos- YAY!!!!! I love all of my wonderful gifts that you helped create. Their end of the year books will stay on an easel as 2 of my most prized possesssions-- they are worth every hair pulling second you spent on them- and even more.
I love that you will always be a very important part of my childrens' lives and you will always have a very special place in all of our hearts! I love that I got pregnant with Mitch just in time for you to take my place!! You stepped into my classroom and into our family!
You know that no matter what you need- we are here for you! We will move you a dozen more times (as long as you move CLOSER- HA!) , fix your appliances, and clean your drains! HA! You are family to us-- and would be broken hearted if you DIDN'T turn to us!
Wipe your tears, and blow your nose-- I know you sappy thing!! -- Just one more thing to love! And call me-- I know you will!
Thanks for being YOU!
The whole Nielsen Family!!!
Promise of Joy:
I thank my God upon every remembrance of you...
Phillipians 1:3
So true!
you are loved ML!!! Love, Tammy Tharpe!
yes-you do know me---I AM CRYING!!!! thank you so much for always listening AND standing strong when i need someone to lean on and for just being MY FRIEND! I do love you and your entire family as if you were my own!!! and thank you more than anything for entrusting me with your special gifts(HB&M)!!! I LOVE YOU!!! What a sweet surprise for a "blog stalker" to find!haha!
I think that Mandi is a special person also. You really know my girl. Those were beauitful things you said about her. I agree with all! Thank you.
Mandi's Mom
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