Happy Summer!!! Wow- it is FLYING by-- just like all of us teachers KNEW it would!!
I just wanted to let you "in" on the photography "scoop".
I am honored to say that I am FULLY booked for the fall! I never dreamt in a MILLION years that this business would do as well as it has! I am really humbled by the responses I have received. Thank you ALL from the bottom of my heart!!
I am now taking appointments for the Spring. The good-weather times fill up really fast, so if you think you might want one- you need to go ahead and schedule. ( I already have 2 "super planners" booked for spring! =)
If for some reason you can not keep your appointment time-- please let me know at least 2 weeks ahead of time. I have a waiting list for those who want an appointment soon, but couldn't get one. If one becomes available, I have someone ready to step into it. =)
This has been a great year! I have had sooo much fun and have met so many wonderful people that I probably would not have met otherwise. I hope that I have been a little more than just a photographer. I hope that somehow I have been used by God to bless you and your family. He is the reason I ventured into this- I only pray that I am serving Him well through this.
Please leave comments on the posts that you look at. I loooove to hear what others have to say! Whether I know you or not! I have people tell me all the time upon meeting me that they "stalk" me on my blog-- I love you guys too! I am also honored by your visits!!
OK-- I will stop now! I just wanted to let you know about those appointments. The fair-weather ones load up fast! You can also let me know now if you want on the calendar for NEXT fall- if you missed the boat this time! =)
Thanks again!! New post to come very soon!
Love you all-
Promise of Joy:
Our only power and success comes from God.
2 Corinthians 3:5
I truly believe this and claim this in my life. God has truly guided my steps and I am so grateful for His blessings!!
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