I recently took a trip to St. Louis, MO--- which is why I have not posted in a WHILE. We had the BEST time!! I had the best visit with friends and family. I was born in St. Louis and all my Mom's family is still there. So I reunited with lots of cousins that I have not seen in some time. But, as always, you just start right where you left off. We had a ball!
We went to do many fun things! St. Louis is a great vacation spot! They have the most unique childrens museum I have ever seen!! We were there for HOURS. We also went to the arch- the kids looooved it! And we of course did Six Flags.
I couldn't resist posting pictures. These are mainly family pics. I regret that I did not do complete families, and many, many were left out in the hustle and bustle of it all. I was visiting- and not really working- so my mind was not that focused on the pictures =( But I HATE that I did not get everyone!
I love my family and sure wish we all lived closer!!!
Promise of Joy:
Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the lasw of Christ.
Galations 6:2
This is the verse that really sums up our family to me! We love each other and share all of our burdens- which really lightens the load! I am so thankful that God blessed me with a healthy, loving family! I have family that I can call NO MATTER what situation I am in that will love me unconditionally. This kind of love ONLY comes from Christ Jesus.
Love the pictures!!! You are truly a very good photographer and I know you will go far. Thanks for making me in black & white as it hid all my lovely beauty marks - ha ha. Thanks also for sharing these with everyone. You are a very good niece and I love you all very much.
Aunt Ruthie
I so want to go to St. Louis!!!!!!
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