I had the privilege of photographing this beautiful family for the third time!! It wonderful! The children are so full of life and so much fun!
Can you tell there is a golf instructor in the family? =) This session was taken at a gorgeous golf course not too far from here that the Dad works at. It was my first time there- and I could have stayed there ALL day! It was just beautiful and peaceful! My only regret was that the older little guy had a baseball game that they had to rush off for before we really got started good. But I think we did pretty good for the very short time we were there!
We have been sooo blessed with great weather- and I am just so thankful for all the opportunities I have been given!
I loooove the 2nd picture posted! I would loove to have a pic of my little girl just like that! It would have to be HUGE! She is just beautiful and so, so sweet! They were so comfortable out there on that course!!
M-- I hope you love them! I would always be glad to go back there =) I adore your precious family and always have the best time with you guys! I am looking forward to the future sessions you have booked! Can't wait!! Thanks sooooo much!!
Promise of Joy:
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.
Psalm 143:8
I am so thankful to serve a God that can be trusted and that never changes, or gets "moody"! Wow! If He did-- what kind of shape would we be in? But I also like this scripture in reference to family. We should wake up every morning refreshened and renewed with love for one another. We all trust one another to keep things going and to have that unfailing love. I pray that all of your families are in God's will and able to live with that presence of joy- that can only come from Him.
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