I was very excited when this family contacted me about portraits- because it had been many years since I had seen them. We go way back-- to before we were married days =) The Mom even kept my son for me a few days a week when he was little.
They are one of the sweetest families I know. We'll have to do it again when the Dad can join us, too.
It was the little guys birthday-- and I bet he could name 100 other things that he'd rather be doing on his birthday besides taking pictures- haha!! But you couldn't tell it! They were great!
We had a great time, and I truly enjoyed getting to see them again, and catch up with all that is going on in their family! -- Thanks sooooo much for trusting me with your memories!! I am thrilled that you may be moving a little closer- and I know you are too!
Promise of Joy:
For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ.
Hebrews 3:14
This is an area, faith, that I truly falter in. I KNOW that God is capable of anything and everything- but believing it when it comes to my life, is usually a different story. But I have seen His hand on my family soooo many times- that I should have the faith of that tiny mustard seed!! I am so thankful for His faithfulness and belief in me!!!
1 comment:
Love the pics of M & M and BJ, they are beautiful. Hate I missed them.
Great job again Margie, love ya!
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