We had a beautiful day to take some great family portraits! The days a re getting longer-- I loooove it!!
We actually did most of these pics at my house. I don't do that very often-- but it really worked for this great family. I had been looking forward to this session. This sweet mom is very involved in her sons school- which at one time was my school, which is how we got to know each other. He was also in Hannah Beth's class this year and she helped make it a great year!
That grandbaby (the baby girl) is about the cutest, happiest baby ever!! She is a doll!!
We left and went to great "weedy" field-- but Trisha and I were the only ones who thought so-- haha! So I am very glad we did get a running start at my house! =)
Thanks, Trisha-- I had a great time!!! Hope it was worth the wait! =)
Promise of Joy:
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.
Romans 1:16
I would think this is one of the most memorized verses in the Bible. I know that the brave men and women out in the mission fields rely on it to get them through tough situations. Thanks to our heros, our soldiers- we have the freedom to serve our God openly and freely- without the fear of death and persecution. I pray that we will forever have this freedom. But there are many who don't... who have to stand firm against those who think they should be ashamed. We need to pray for them daily. And pray for our soldiers who protect us.
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