What a wonderful experience! This precious family lives their American dream on a small farm in the middle of their own crops, fields and pastures! I was just amazed out how comfortable these little kiddos were with the animals and climbing fences and dirt blowing in the crazy wind we had! I looooooved it!!! The little guy is only 3- but he already had the presence of a hard-working little man--he was ADORABLE!!
I hated fighting the wind that day- as you see the evidence in the portraits- but it was really whipping! The sun was also blinding-- but we kept at it and had a great time! The Mom is about as laid back as they come and that goes a looong way on days like this! =)
The baby calf in the picture was my new best friend! She is only 3 weeks old and was pure SUGAR!!! If they stayed as sweet as her I would have stolen her right then! I don't think I had ever touched a cow before (I know, crazy for a girl from DUNN-- but my parents were St. Louis immigrants-haha!!!) but this little jewel rubbed across me like a cat! It was precious! She even stepped on my poor feet a few times!
The horse shots were a first for me too! And I LOOOOOOVE a challenge- so I had been looking forward to that for a while! The girl and the horse were just beautiful and totally up to the task!!
oh---- I have to explain the pic of our little man pouting! See his sister in the background "having tea"? Well-- he wanted tea 2- and dog gone it- there were only 2 cups and those girls snatched them up first! But don't despair-- he had his turn too-and is actually giving me a thimbs up when he did get his turn! Love that kid!!!
So you can tell-- I had a great time! It was a lot of work, being completely out of my element-- but I loved it! I absolutely can't wait til our fall session!! I will be thinking of some ideas! =)
Thank you so much for trusting me with these special memories!! You have an incredible family!
Promise of Joy:
I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made!
Psalm 139:14
This scripture was given to me this week from Brandon's cousin, Jonathan. He has Cereral Palsy and has to have constant care. But He has trusted God with his life and his salvation and praises God with his whole heart! We are ALL wonderfully made- that is God's gift to us-- what we do with what He has given us is our gift to Him. Jonathan has chosen to follow God's will for his life and even has his own ministry! It is inspiring! Please pray for him and his parents--- because truly, if Jonathan has a ministry-they do to, for he can not do anything without their help! Thankg God for Godly and loving parents!!
1 comment:
wow, these are absolutely gorgeous... you have really outdone your own work!!!! Love ya, Tam
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