My Thankful Top 10 =)
10) my job-- I have ALMOST dreaded weekends!! wow! =)
9) my home- not just a house- our haven from the storms of life
8) my many friends- blessed beyond measure with wonderful, sweet friends
7) my church family and extended family- FAMILY- says it ALL
6) my best friend- my sounding board and daily encourager
5) my siblings- my biggest fans and closest confidantes
4) my parents- my staunchest supporters and best teachers
3) my children- more than I could have ever asked for- they fill my heart
2) my husband- a self-less, God fearing man- he owns my heart
1) my Lord and Savior, for His sacrifice, forgiveness and love
The list could literally go on and on and on! I love this time of year! Nothing can lift a tired gray mood better than being thankful!
THANK YOU to ALL of you who have made my job one that I love and enjoy. I never feel like I am working. I am blessed to have a hobby that I get to enjoy all day every day. I have had the honor of meeting so many new families this year. God has truly answered my prayers... and for this and so much more I am forever thankful and praise His Holy name.
Have the best Thanksgiving ever...invite Jesus into your heart and experience a change in your life that will add to your blessings!!
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