Another beautiful sr!! I am amazed at the poise these young ladies possess at such a young age! This session was so much fun!! I knew the portraits would be beautiful! I could not wait to see them!
The weather was perfect and we just took our time strolling from one interesting place to another.
Thank you so much for trusting me with your precious memories! May God bless your paths and grant you much success!!
Promise of Joy:
Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.
Luke 18:17
What a wonderful validation for children -- and acceptance of simplicity for adults!
As a youth director at my church I have the privilege of witnessing the FAITH that a child so quickly comes to! It is amazing how they recognize the Holy Spirit's conviction and respond immendiately. We adults have the awful temptation to quench that spirit and outright ignore Him. The Bible speaks to that. I guess this explains why I have a much easier time sharing Jesus with a child than an adult. Life sometimes gets in the way. If people knew how deep His love is and could trust His calling like a child does... we could turn our world around! My prayer is that I will reamin sensitive to His spirit and remain "forever young"!
1 comment:
Beautiful pictures, Margie! You are so talented and we appreciate you taking time to fit us in your busy schedule!!
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