This handsome little guy has grown soooo much!! He is such a sweet, sweet happy boy! Every session I have ever done for him has been so easy and fun!
Today felt like we were in an actual OVEN!! So we didn't spend a whole lotta time on changing things up-- we completed this session in about 15 minutes!! There was no AIR! Gotta love Louisiana summers!!!
His lips are so stinkin sweet- and his precious little smile! He is just adorable!!
Thank you soooo much for trusting me with all of your sweet baby memories!! That means so much to me.... especially since YA'LL mean so much to me!! =)
Promise of Joy:
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among nations, "The Lord reigns!"
I Chronicles 16:31
I chose this scripture because of what seems to be happening in our country today. They can say what they want... they can change what they want... but nothing is done that the Lord hasn't ALLOWED! He is in control! It makes me sad- and we should stand up for what is right- but I find peace in knowing that decisions in Washington are not final.
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