Meet Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Baker =)
I have been happily anticipating this day for sooo long-- and it was every bit as wonderful as I thought it would be!!! My beautiful friend was probably the happiest bride I have ever had the privilege of photographing. Every bride makes me feel certain emotions...and most are mixtures of course...but this one had heavy doses of happy!! And true to form... there is noting more beautiful than a happy bride!
Mandi-- you were gorgeous! Your dress was amazing- and everything about you was stunning and you just glowed! Thinking back to it, I smile- even sitting here alone at my computer! =) I love you!
You had so many special touches that truly made the day YOURS and so very perfect! You BOTH have great families- and of course bunches of friends that were so thankful to get to celebrate with ya'll! I don't thhink I have ever seen so many bridesmaids-- but with all of your friends... I am proud of you for being able to stop at 7! LOL!! You have always been a wonderful friend to so many-- and it showed on your day!
Ryan-- I love you too... because you make my precious friend smile -- in her heart! And of course, you are a great guy! LOL!! I am thankful for you- and want you to know I am so glad Brandon won't have to go over there and work on her stuff anymore-- hahahahaha!!! Just kidding!! you know we would do anything for either of you!
Thank you both for trusting me with your most favorite memories of your life so far! It was truly an honor-- and I loved every minute!
God bless you two and your marriage-- I have prayed for you- and will continue to that you will have many, many years of sweet happiness together... now time to pray for some twins!! LOL!!
I am always here for you....just a phone call away!
Much, much love~
Promise of Joy:
I will betroth you to me in faithfulness and love, and you will really know me then as you never have before.
Hosea 2:20
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