Isn't she beautiful?? This was probably the absolute EASIEST session EVER!! It took less than 45 minutes to capture 180 pictures and 4 different outfits! She just had the best attitude and was ready to go!
You may recognize her from earlier blogs. This is my best friend's niece. I have taken her pictures several times before- and I am sure I will many times in the future!
I am soooo proud of these pictures for 2 reasons. First, I think they really capture her spirit. Second, I did not edit them one bit!!! I just uploaded and went (which is why I got them up so quickly). I am finally learning the bells and whistles on camera and lenses and it has gotten so much easier! I hope they are all this easy in the future!
I could play with these pictures all day if I had time. I may post more of them later. For now I am editing about 800 wedding pictures and a huge family session I did today! Whew!
It has been such an honor to be asked by these families! Thank you so much!!!
Promise of Joy:
Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in His ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor; Blessings and prosperity will be yours .... Thus is the man blessed who fears the Lord.
Psalm 128: 1-2,4
This seemed appropriate on this election night. I pray that God's will be done and that He will protect us from evil.