These are such sweet pictures. This is my niece's family. They are so sweet! You may recognize her from engagement and wedding pictures last year. She is actually married to my nephew- but she is defintiely my niece now. =)
They wanted some pictures with their grandparents- so I thought doing them at their house would be great. She has one of the prettiest yards around- but it is such a yucky time of the year. We MUST do this again in the spring when everything looks so beautiful.
The ones with the lake are taken in the view from their front yard. I liked the way they turned out. The big group is her Nanna and Papaw, her aunt, her husband (the light brown headed guy- my nephew), her sister and her long-time boyfriend. They are a very close-knit bunch- and you can REALLY feel it when you are around them. They think the world of their grandparents. That is what I was trying to show by letting them sort of stand a part. They are the leaders and the strongest influences in these girls lives. They are very Godly people and I know are very respected and loved by their family.
Thank you soooo much for asking me to do these and trusting me with your precious memories. I had a great time- even if we were all freezing! =) Your family means so much to me and I pray that you have many, many more memories to capture with your precious grandparents. I really would love to do these again in the spring and show off her beautiful yard!
Can you thank someone for a thank you gift?? Well, I am- you were much too generous and it was totally not needed or expected. You guys are all so sweet- but honestly, you're like family to me- and I WANT to do things for you too! But thank you from the bottom of my heart! Love you!
Promise of Joy:
To be the greatest, be a servant.
Matthew 23:11
This is a very strong scripture. This time of the year it is very important to remember that this is exactly why Jesus was born on this earth. He was the greatest servant ever, yet was the King of Kings! How great is our God??
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