Monday, February 16, 2009

Guess who is turning 9!!!

I can not believe that my little man is turning 9!!! Time really does fly by!!! We were married 6 years before he came along-- I have no idea what we did with all that free time! =) Now we are "kid chasers"-- like the rest of you parents out there!

I am so proud of this little guy!! He is so smart and sweet- and just hilarious! He has the quirkiest little personality ever!! He has no self esteem issues- he doesn't care what everyone else is doing- he is doing what HE wants to do! He cracks me up!!

He has a strong faith in God and was actually saved and baptized at just 6 years old. He says the sweetest, most heartfelt prayers and is really learning to trust in God to help him with his decisions and how to live his life. It is an awesome process to witness. I thank God for this wonderful privilege and for helping me with this responsibility.

For his birthday he wanted a rip stick. When we got to the store to buy it, he couldn't even get up on it. In these pictures a whole 10 minutes later, he is really riding it! Wow!! He picks things up FAST!! Today (that was yesterday) he is riding and even turning on it. I won't even touch that thing- I value all of my body parts-- and you KNOW I'd be the 1st with another broken bone!!

Happy Birthday, M--- thanks for being you and making me the proudest Mom in the world!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy birthday M--- and yes, mom--- you should definitly stay away from the rip stick---haha